The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)

A A A A 1 Sayre, 'Athens, South Waverly, and Waverly, N.Y. THE EVENING TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1944 PAGE NINE CLASSIFIED RATES WANT ADS PHONE 2-2401 All advertisem*nts on this page appear at the cash rate below: CASA 1 day per word 40 days per word 70 6 days per word 80 Use this computing table to de (termine price of your ad: Words 1 time 8 times 6 times .48 .84 .52 .91 1.04 .56 .98 1.12 .60 1.05 1.20 .64 1.12 1.28 ,68 1.19 1.36 18 1.26 1.44 .76 1,38 1.52 1.40 1.60 1.47 1.68 .88 1.76 .82 1.61 1.84 24 .96 1.68 1.92 25 1.00 1.75 2,00 26 1.04 1.82 2.08 27 1.08 2.16 1.19 1.96 2.24 1.16 2.08 2.32 30 1.20 2.10 2.40 10 per cent will be added for charging any ad on this page. Cash rates are allowed when ad 1s paid for within seven days counting the first day of insertion as the Arst of seven days. The minimum of TWELVE words required in any one ad. All ads are restricted to their proper classification and to the tablished style of type.

All orders or irregular insertion will be billed at the one-time sertion rates. Contract rates will be supplied on request. reserve the right to edit all advertisem*nts. Credit for typographical errors will be allowed only when error is reported before the second 1 insertion of advertisem*nt Lost and Found LOST: Opal and diamond pin. Heirloom.

Substantial reward. Phone 1-3481. 1353t LOST: Billfold, valuable papers, Erie pass. Keep money. Return 702 Cayuta, Waverly.

STOLEN: Boy's Junior size bicycle from in front of Athens library Wednesday. Any information call Gordon Havens, 503 Church, Athens. LOST: Bag of feed and canvas between Athens and Orange Hill. Phone 8-F-12. 1453t FOUND: Small purse containing sum money.

auction, 444 Chemung Waverly. Owner pay for ad. Phone Waverly 10-F-4 after 6:30. Employment MALE HELP WANTED The WMC has ruled that all males in this area may be hired solely upon referral by USES or designated agencies. WANTED: Grey iron moulders, bench, floor, machine production and foundry labor.

Post-war jobs, good wages and living conditions. Washington Fillmore Foundry, 153 Fillmore Buffalo, N. Y. 1388t WANTED: Apple pickers at fruit farm, East Athens. AMBITIOUS Waverly school boy for store work.

Part time. Good opportunity, Write Times Box 149. 12S3t FEMALE HELP WANTED The War Manpower Commission has ruled that all females in this. area, it previously employed in essential activity, must have a Statement of Availability. GIRL for general office work.

Write Times Box 145. 8Stf OPERATORS for Quilling or weaving, also learners. Wm. Margolin, Athens. for Basket, store Athens.

work. Apply 11S6t Mar- TWO women for work in kitchen and dishwashing room, also two women for work at nurses home. Robert Packer Hospital. 13S3t WOMAN for house work by hour. Mrs.

LaRue Croll. Phone Waverly 212. 12S3t -TAILORESS wanted. Robinson the Tailor. 324 Broad Waverly.

12Stf MALE OR FEMALE HEAVY presser, boy or girl for steady work, Armstrong-Clark Cleaners. 11S6t For Sale HOUSEHOLD GOODS COMBINATION bottle gas and coal stove. Small radio. Bucket-aday. 201 Bradford, S.

Waverly. 14S3t COMBINATION stove, cabinet radio and other household goods. 202 Lincoln. Sayre. 1383t plate, small wardrobe, ELECTRIC, 6 dining chairs, stove.

401 Madison, Sayre. Dial 2-5891. 13Stf DINING table chairs, child's iron bed, reasonable. 107 Stedman, Sayre. 12S3t KALAMAZOO cook stove No.

8. Also oil burner stove. 17 Tioga. Waverly. 12S3t OAK bed, complete outfit and bureau.

Phone 2-2083. 1483t GRAY and white enamel Glenwood utility stove. Good condition. Shoemaker. 106 S.

River, Sayre. CLOTHING FOR SALE BOYS size 16, 2 pants wool suit, sport shirts, reversible coat and high tops, cheap. 462 Waverly street. BLACK seal coat. Size Good condition.

Reasonable. 113 West Sayre. From 4 to 7. SKI-SUIT, skirts and clothing. Size 12 and 14.

Good condition. 116 West Sayre. 2-1544. 13S6t GIRLS clothing, boy's hood jacket snow suit, 5 ladies coats, dresses. men's coats, shoes, throw rugs.

Phone 13-W, 532 Clark. Waverly. 1383t INFANTS', children's and ladies Ready to Wear, Westbrook's Better Clothes, Athens. SS26t RUMMAGE SALE be held in House Block on Packer Sept. 15 and 16th.

14S2t WOMEN'S REALM SPENCER authorized corsetiere. Mrs. Bess Sammons. 206 Pine, Athens Call 2-2251 1S26t SPIRELLA corsets made to individual measurements. Mrs.

Frank Dill, 311 No. Main, Athens, Dial 2-8734. 30A26t POCAHONTAS rummage, sale, will WE have a complete stock of milkers, coolers and water pumps. Check our prices before you or der, H. S.

Travis, 365 Main Owego, N. Phone 671 1Stf USED water pumps, good as new. Myers, 12 in. head, 3 h.p. motor deep well pump complete with 80 feet of 4 in.

drop pipe, wood sucker rod and brass cylinder. 1 deep well pump complete, with pump jack, gas pipe and cylinder. 1 Gould shallow well bulldozer model. 1 Everready shallow well pump, 250 gal. per hour and 10 gallon tank.

1 Delco shallow well pump, 500 gal. per hour and tank. Dayton shallow well pump and tank. A full line of new Aermotor pumps. Deep well--shallow well-Jets-Gasoline Driven Jet Pumps.

H. S. Travis, Owego, N. Y. Phone 671.

14S6t ONE used four can Frigidaire. Complete line of Arctic Jet milk coolers. H. S. Travis, Owego, N.

Y. Phone 671. 1486t ONE DeLaval single unit, 3-4 h.p. motor, vacuum pump, pipe line for five stall co*cks. One Surge double unit only.

H. S. Travis, Owego, N. Y. Phone 671.

14S6t McCORMICK-DEERING co bi No. 42. On rubber, Four foot cut with bagger, elevator screens. Used very little. $600.00 delivered.

Phone 671, H. vis, Owego, N. Y. 14S6t FARM AND GARDEN For Sale FARM SUPPLIES ELBERTA peaches. Now ripe.

Picked or you pick. Bring containers. Fred Pruyne, Chemung, N. Y. CANNING pears.

Cantaloupes, vine ripened, also ladies dresses. 747 S. Main, Athens, 14S6t TOMATOES. Cities Service Gas Station. First place on left over East Waverly viaduct.

Route 17. Phone Waverly 2-F-5. tercup, Delicious, Acorn. squash. CUCUMBER pickles, A all sizes.

ButDaniel Dean, Nichols, N. Y. HILL grown potatoes, fine cooking. L. G.

White, phone Sayre 8-F-22. LIVESTOCK FIVE cows, young bull, two heifers, one heavy work horse, five hogs. Harry Drumm, Wilawana, Pa. POULTRY 25 NEW Hampshire Red pullets months. Laying.

$1.65 apiece. 9 Pleasant S. Waverly. 12S6t 350 NEW Hampshire Red pullets, months old. 0.

Steinburg, Milan, R. D. 1. 500 cross bred Pullets (Rock) Mar. 14th starting to lay.

Lots of 100 or more less $2.25. Phone 2-4737. 1283t FRESH dressed poultry. Eggs. Saturday deliveries.

Wav. 551-M. Lines, 109 Broad, Waverly. 12S6t BROILERS and roasters for sale. Victory Farm, North Waverly.

Phone 14-F-21 5Stf WOOD AND COAL SEASONED wood. Cord $5.00. Two cords $9.50. Load $7.00. Phone Waverly 279.

EXTRA stock anthracite nut, pea, buckwheat. Immediate delivery within 10 mile limit. D. L. Bitner, Box 57, Wilawanna, Pa.

MISCELLANEOUS MAPLE crib, high chair, scales, bassinet, chest of drawers, small crib, cot beds, sleepy head doll, baby blankets, shoes, dresses, porch swing. 203 William, Waverly. NEARLY new 8 tube Motorola, Arvin heater. Call 13S3t GAS water heater. 312 Chemung, Sayre, Pa.

KITCHEN, heater, cupboard, table Ivanhoe and chairs, keroother articles. 610 N. Elmer, Sayre. Phone 1-5772. 14S3t POOL table Like new.

Electric movie machine, two films. Reasonable. 113 West Sayre. From 4 to 7. LIBRARY table, lady's nearly new black coat.

Size 46. Quantity of second hand doors and windows. Call 215 Willow, Athens. 11S6t 15 FOOT round bottom rowboat. Cheap.

Suitable for large motor. James Presher. Sayre R. Near Nichols. 12S3t ONE Porter custom made western style saddle.

One Plantation style saddle, oil burner for furnace, small circulating oil burner. Schrier Oil Athens, Pa. 24Atf FULLER brushes. See the new items. Call Mrs.

Rogers 2-2184 for appointment. 1356t ATLAS E-Z Seal fruit jars. Pints, 2 doz, $1.36. Quarts, doz. 77c; 2 Quart, $1.05 doz.

Clark's G.L.F., Waverly 1Stf FOR Sale: 2 crypts. Glenwood mausoleum, finest location. Apply after 5:00. Victor Buley, 156 Chemung, Waverly. Phone 33-W.

14S3t TWO end tables, living room table, all solid maple. Porcelain top table. A-1 condition. Phone 183-J. 1156t Automotive 1941 FORD convertible club coupe.

21,000 miles. Car like new. Ceiling price $1287.50. Robert Downs, Socony gas station, Waverly. 1937 DODGE 4 door sedan.

Four new re-caps. Motor recently overhauled. Ceiling price $480.00. Cash price $380.00. Robert Downs Socony gas station, Waverly.

WILLARD, Edison, Delco batteries. Generator starter, ignition services. Battery charging. BENEDICT SERVICE STATION. At R.R.

crossing, Athens 1St1 1934 TERRAPLANE, 2 door sedan, good tires. Call Sayre 2-2144. 12S3t RADIOS REPAIRED RADIO service, Since 1918. Two doors south of N. Waverly Chapel.

L. W. Jean, Waverly R. D. 1.

1Stf Notices AUXILIARY No. 7 Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War will meet Saturday night at 8 o'clock in the Albertson building. Special business will be discussed. SAYRE Baptist church Christian Real Estate For Sale HOUSES FOR SALE SEVEN room house in Athens. garage.

$1,900. Good location. Valley Realty Agency. 461 Waverly Waverly. 14Stf 9 ROOM house, Sayre, excellent location, garage, steam heat, large lot.

Fulford Smith 2-5942. 1356t TWELVE room house, Sayre, two baths, can easily convert to apartments with 5 good income, central location. Fulford Smith, 2-5942. 1386t HOUSE and land for sale in Sayre. Phone 2-4073.

1356t NEWLY painted 7 room house. Now vacant in Waverly. Good condition. All improvements. Garage.

Central. Inquire 151 Broad, Waverly. SS6t HOUSE in Sayre. Phone 167-M Waverly. SIX room house.

Good location. Concrete cellar, stationary wash tubs, hot heat. New modern kitchen, large living room, new bathroom, built in tub with shower. Three bedrooms, with closets. New roof, new paint, large lot 104x150.

Berries, shrubs and shade trees. Phone E. Stone 1-5372. SS6t EIGHT room house in Sayre. Vacant, Newly papered.

Hot water heat, Very good condition. Good location. Bargain. Call E. L.

Stone, 1-5372. 1386t Real Estate For Rent SLEEPING rooms for 100 Cross Sayre. Phone 2-5382. 9S6t FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOUR room upstairs furnished apartment. Adults, 17 Cadwell, Waverly 28Atf UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS MODERN three room and bath, heated.

good location. Waverly. Adults only. References required. Phone 515.

1156t UPPER apartment, modern, steam heat, hot water, electric range furnished. Available Oct. 1. Ed. W.

Armstrong, 201 E. Pine Athens. 8S6t MODERN 5 rooms, bath First floor. Adults only. 304 Desmond, Sayre.

MODERN, heated apartment in Waverly. Adults. Write Times Box 146. 983t Wanted WANTED TO BUY WANTED: Outboard motor. Phone 2-2241.

1453t BOY'S bicycle in good condition. Call 2-4974. 13S3t WIRE or steel rabbit hutch with 6 pens. Ed. W.

Armstrong, 2-1781. 1186t TWO wheel work trailer. Call 1-5322. 121 Paine Athens. 1183t ALL kinds live poultry.

F. B. De Voe. Call 22-W East Smithfield. 1Stf WILL call for, pay cash for all kinds junk.

Harry Stein. Dial 1-4731 1Stf I WILL pay cash for all kinds of used band and orchestra instruments, regardless of age or condition. State what you have for sale and price, Write Times Box 124. WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED Farms, gas stations, country stores, Buyers waiting. Write Strout Realty, 313 Broad Waverly.

1Stf WANTED TO RENT HOUSE. October. Near I-R. Adults. Phone 2-1052.

1356t WORK WANTED WASHINGS wanted. Phone 120-R Waverly, 1483t WASHINGS wanted. Inquire 11 Maple Athens. ASHES and garbage hauled in Waverly. Phone 63-R.

INSIDE house painting. J. W. Snyder, 514 Chemung, Waverly, after six P. M.

14S6t BRICK work. kinds. T. Earley. Waverly 481-J.

12S26t ELECTRIC repair work done. Leave and call for appliances. Santo's, 120 Park Place, Waverly. 1Stf Business Services EXPERIENCED accountant wants bookkeeping work evenings. Phone Waverly 682-J after 5 p.m.

LENTKRAFT portraits are not luxuries. Phone Wav. 673 today for appointment. The Lent Studio. 1356t DON'S Radio, Refrigerator and Washer Repair Shop, 348 Broad.

JPhone 559 1Stf FURNITURE repaired, rebuilt. Kitchen wood novelties. 747 South Man, Athens. Phone 1-6043. 6830t MONUMENTS and markers.

Stone duplicated, erected anywhere. J. R. Harris, East Waverly. Phone 65-W.

1Stf ORNAMENTAL landscaping. Evergreen trees, shrubs, roses, vines. High grade material. Satisfaction guaranteed. R.

L. Parks, 419 Chemung, Waverly. 114-R evenings. 12830t THRE. to five dollars for live horses, according to size and condition.

Dead stock removed free of charge. Call 4151 Montour Falls. Montour Falls Rendering Works, Montour Falls, L. 1Stf DAN The Tailor moved to 142 W. Lockhart, second floor, over O'Neil's.

11S6t LICENSES secured. Special service. Marriage, car titles, learner's. operator's, dog, birth certificates. George D.

Bonfoey, 306 South Wilbur avenue, Sayre. 2812t monthly business meeting Friday night at 7:30 at the home of Alma Biddleman, 329 N. Keystone avenue. JUBILEE council 143, D. of will meet in Miner's hall on Wednesday night at 7:30.

WAVERLY Townsend Club No. 2 will meet Friday at 7:45 at the Albertson building, Social hour will follow. Members bring gifts to exchange. Centuries ago. the Mava Indians played a game similar to basketball.

Lt. Eleanor Farr Is Flight Nurse In Army Forces BOWMAN FIELD ARMY AIR BASE, LOUISVILLE, KY. Lt. Eleanor V. Farr, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Vaughn Farr, 608 South Wilbur avenue, Sayre, Pennsylvania, was recently awarded a diploma during impressive graduation ceremonies of the Army Air Forces School of Air Evacuation held at this First Troop Carrier Command Base. This signifies successful completion of an eight week course of Flight Nurses' training. Lt. Farr entered the Army Nurse Corps on April 1, 1943, and arrived at Bowman Field for training on June 3, 1944.

Before enrolling in the Air Evacuation school she was assigned to duty at the Air Forces hospital at Coral Gables, Florida, and returned to duty there upon graduation. The First Troop Carrier Command's AAF School of Air Evacuation, although scarcely one year old. has graduated eleven classes of flight nurses for service overseas. The school's main purpose is to equip the nurse for. the vital hours she spends in a plane.

The Flight Nurse specializes in subjects peculiar to the removal of ill and wounded from combat areas by air. On the trip between the combat zone and the hospital behind the lines the Flight Nurse is in complete medical charge of the Troop Carrier command's large C-47 hospital planes. To date, more than 250,000 wounded have been evacuated by the Troop Carrier Command from all theaters of this war. Mrs. Susan Howe Dies at Age 84 Mrs.

Susan Howe, 84, died at the home of George Tebo in Sheshequin on Wednesday afternoon at 4:30. Mrs. Howe was born in 1860 in North Towanda township and for the past five years, she and her husband have been making their home at the Tebo residence in Sheshequin, where she was a member of the Universalist church. Survivors are her husband, George; one sister, Mrs. Fanny Biles of Ulster, and several nieces nephews.

and, body was removed to the Farr funeral home in Ulster where services will be held Friday Rev. J. D. afternoon Herrick, at 2:30 pastor with of the Sheshequin Universalist church, officiating. Burial will be in Ulster cemetery.

Sayre Personals Miss Marjorie Cardwell of New few days in Sayre as York City has been spendings. Ethel Rathbun. Miss Cardwell was formerly employed at the Robert Packer hospital. Howard Ritz of Sayre has returned to his home after undergoing a minor operation at the Robert Packer hospital. 25 Are Killed in Head-on Crash of Railroad Trains (Continued from page 1) engine and the first car on each of the trains were demolished.

The first cars were sheared off at the floor, he said, and the superstructures were piled up on the tenders of the locomotives. There were 14 cars on the passenger train, which left Chicago at 10:05 p.m. last night, and eight cars on the mail All available amblilances and doctors in. Terre Haute were rushed to the scene and the dead and injured were removed to Terre Haute hospitals. The armory at Terre Haute also was turned into a temporary hospital and many of the injured were taken there, police said.

Several German Villages Captured by U.S. Troops Attacking Siegfried Line (Continued from Page 1) been operating in that sector. There were no official progress reports on Lt. Gen. Courtney H.

Hodges' troops who, according to field dispatches last night, pene-. trated the outskirts of and captured the German village of Rotgen. The daily communique announced a widening of the Luxembourg positions from where the Americans first entered the Reich northwest of Trier. Resistance was said to be surprisingly weak near and south of Aachen, a northern keystone of the Siegfried line. Field dispatches reported the Germans might be falling back for a major stand on the Rhine--some 40 miles to the east in this sector.

Heavy Bombardment Berlin broadcast this morning said a terrific artillery bombardment in the Metz area had touched off a new American offensive. Paris radio said without any official confirmation the American column inside Germany and eight miles south of Aachen, plunged on beyond Lammersdorf, five miles from the border. The Americans drew up to the German border near Clerveaux at the northern tip of Luxembourg in widening their wedge northeast of the cappital of the little duchy from which they first drove five miles into Germany northwest of Trier. It was emphasized at supreme headquarters that although there is no news of progress by this spearhead it could certainly be assumed there had been no withdrawal. Waverly Schools To Open Monday Morning at 8:45 the kindergarten, and those six years old before that date may enter the first grade, under lations set up by the board of education.

No exceptions can be made in these requirements. All pupils entering the kindergarten or first grade must present birth certificates. Grade school boundaries are the same as they were last year, and are listed as follows: West End school district includes Fulton street north to Clinton avenue and all streets west as follows: Tracy Road, West Pine St. Orange, Clark, Johnson, Moore (to west side of Fulton), Clinton avenue (to west side of Fulton), Florence, Chemung (to east side of Fulton), Broad (to east side of Fulton), Blizzard, Fulton (to Clinton avenue), Pine, Forrest, Cadwell avenue, Elmira, Loder. Lincoln Street school district includes all east of West End district to Garfield street and south to Chemung (not including Chemung) north to the school district line.

The streets included are as follows: Orchard, Center, Garfield, Lyman avenue (east of Clark), Hickory, Liberty, Clinton avenue (east of Fulton), William (east to Garfield) Spring from Clinton avenue), Waverly (north from Chemung), Lincoln, Wilbur, Division East Waverly school district includes all east of the Lincoln street district and north of and including Chemung street (east from Pennsylvania avenue, Ithaca street). The streets includ-1944-45 ed are as follows: Spring (east of Garfield), William (south from Garfield), El- Waverly schools will open Monday, Sept. 18, at 8:45 o'clock, it was announced today by Supt. Don W. McClelland.

The first day's session will end at 11 o'clock, and on Tuesday another half day session will be held, dismissal being at 11:45 o'clock. The schedule for the first two days will be same in all schools, including the grades. Kindergarten registration will begin at 9:30 o'clock on Monday at Elm street school. The first complete school day will be held on Wednesday at 8:45, with dismissal at 3 in the afternoon. School will be dismissed daily at 4 o'clock except on Fridays.

Pupils in grades one to five inclusive will report to the grade building in- their district, and cannot be transferred from one building to another except as a basis of enrollment. Children five years old before Jan. 1, 1945, may enter liott, Ball, North Chemung street to school. district boundary, Cayavenue (north from Ithaca street), Charles, Chemung (from center of Pennsylvania avenue), Ithaca. Street school district includes all east of the West End district and south of Lincoln and East Waverly districts.

The streets are as follows: Chemung (both sides from Fulton to Pennsylvania avenue), Waverly (south from Chemung), Athens, Park avenue, Sawyer place, Hickey, Tioga, Park place, Barker place, Howard, Erie, Lincoln avenue, Pennsylvania avenue, Spaulding, Cayuta (north to Ithaca), Elizabeth, Providence, Elm, Broad (east from Fulton), Pearl, Thomas. Obituaries BENJAMIN F. BRIDE TOWANDA, 14-Funeral services for Benjamin F. Bride, 79, who died Wednesday at his Marshview home, will be held Saturday at 10 a.m., at SS. Peter and Paul church.

a lifelong resident of Asyluum township. He is survived by five chilFrank and Edward of Marshview, Ralph and Mary at home, and Mrs. Edward Conley of Dansville, N. and one sister, Mrs. Catherine Hennessey, of Marshview.

Times Carrier Reports $12 Loss in War Stamps Leslie Palmer, star salesman of War Stamps among Evening Times Carrier boys in the Athens area, lost $12 worth of tencent War Stamps somewhere in the area between Walnut street and Vanderbilt street and Main street and Desmond street in Athens Saturday. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Palmer of 109 East Vanderbilt street, Athens, the young man is doing his bit in the war effort through the sale of War stamps and has achieved remarkable success along this line. If the stamps are found he urgently requests that they be returned to him at his home or to the office of The Evening Times.

Athens Schools Open Monday; Schedule Listed With the opening of Athens borough schools slated for Monday, Sept. 18, Eugene E. Crediford, supervising principal today outlined the schedule to be followed on that day. All three schools, including the main building, the Page school and the Willow street school will open Monday morning at 9:30 o'clock. Senior and Junior High school students will assemble in the main building auditorium where they will receive instructions for the day, Grade pupils in all buildings will report their respective rooms for enrollment and then will be dismissed for the day.

Mr. Crediford announced today that because of the large enrollment of third grade pupils there will be a class for third graders this year in the Willow street school. Mrs. Ina Bird, former teacher in the Milan school, will have the third grade teaching assignment at the Willow street school. He also announced that children entering kindergarten must be five years old on or before Feb.

1, 1945, and that children entering the first grade must be six years old on or before Feb. 1, 1945. He stressed the fact that all children entering Athens borough schools for the first time must bring their birth certificates. The office in the main building will be open Friday from 9 o'clock to 4 when students or parents may interview Mr. Crediford in conjunction with school work for the term.

Many students and parents have consulted Mr. Crediford in this connection during the summer months. St. James Church Assistant Named Rev. Edward R.

Dempsey has been named assistant pastor of St. James Catholic church in Waverly. He arrived Wednesday to assume his duties. Previous appointments of Father Dempsey included: Fairport. N.

Hornell. assistant superintendent of schools in the Rochester diocese: and Aquinas Institute, Rochester. His home is in Rochester where he was ordained in 1932. 18 Called from Tioga in Draft Eighteen Tioga, county men have been ordered to report this month for induction into the armed forces, and 18 others are being pre-induction physical examinations, the Selective Service board announced today. Both groups will report to Binghamton on Sept.

26. Those qualifying in pre induction test will be placed the for possible future induction. FOR SALE NEW ELECTROLUX CLEANERS Write or phone immediately. Electrolux man will call on his trip through Sayre, Waverly and RFD's week of September 18. Also free inspection on Electrolux cleaners in userepairs and parts are available.

For convenience address Mr. Young, Box 150, Sayre Times. AUCTION STOCK, TOOLS and HOUSEHOLD GOODS The undersigned will sell at his farm located mile north of Route 17 on the Dry Brook road, about miles northwest of Waverly, onMONDAY, SEPT. 18 AT 1:00 P.M. SHARP 1 horse, 3 good cows, 1 heifer, 2 brood sows, 7 shoats, lumber wagon, hay rigging, hay rake, mowing machine, sulky plow, harrow, whiffletrees, anvil, big kettle, scalding barrel, scrapers and knives, 2 sets heavy harness, 2 churns, McCormick-Deering cream separator, water separator, 4 milk pails, strainer, one 9x12 Axminster rug, one 9x15 and two 9x12 Congoleum rugs, kitchen cabinet, 2 oil stoves, 2 ironing boards, brooder stove, 2 beds, springs and innerspring mattress, dining chairs, 2 Morris chairs, buffet, round oak table, mirrors, porch chairs, electric plate, electric iron, roll barbed wire, 7 tons of hay, and many small articles.

TERMS CASH Day of Sale NO GOODS REMOVED UNTIL SETTLED FOR. ARTHUR C. ELLIS, Auctioneer M. A. DILLON, Clerk and Cashier FRANK REGAN, Owner Sayreite Arrested on Girl's Charge of Assault in Auto Joe Quatrini, 28, of 178 Cayuta avenue, Sayre, who is married and has two children, was arrested this morning and held without bail on a charge of rape preferred by a 19-year-old Sayre woman, wife of a man in the armed forces.

Quatrini, was taken in custody by Police Chief Ray Nobles, was arraigned before Peace Justice George D. Bonfoey. He was to be to Towanda this afternoon, bail will be set tahere by the court. According to Chief Nobles, Quatrini, another man and two young women went to Nichols last night, stopped there at a tavern, and on the way back toward Sayre, Quatrini, the driver of the car, turned into a dirt lane and parked. It was about midnight.

Quatrini is then alleged, according to police, to have tried to assault Miss Myrtle Titus, about 20, of Sayre, but she resisted him and got out of the car. She had black and blue marks on her neck where Quatrini is alleged to have choked her, Chief Nobles said. Then Quatrini is alleged to have turned his attentions upon the other girl, Mrs. Grace Fisk Miss Titus and George Bruno, of on 119 South Elmer avenue, Sayre, the other passenger, started to walk toward Sayre. They had gone about a mile and a half, the police chief said, when Quatrini, with Mrs.

Fisk, drove up and brought them the remainder of the way to Sayre. This morning Mrs. Fisk, accompanied by her woman companion, reported to the police station and made the complaint against Qua- trini, who was arrested at his home. She said she tried to resist his advances but was unable to do so. Captain Mullins Commander of Escort Carrier Capt.

William J. Mullins of the U. S. Naval Air Force, formerly of Athens, has been named to the highly important post of commander of the "Copahee," an escort carrier in the Pacific theater of operations. Word in conjunction with his recent assignment has been received his sister, Miss Mary Mullins of 116 South River street.

Athens. A graduate of Annapolis Naval academy, class of 1922, he was promoted to the rank of captain several months ago. Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mullins of Athens he is a graduate of Athens high school.

For the past year Captain Mullins has been in command of Fleet Air Wing No. 8 at the U. S. Naval Air Station in Alameda, Calif. BIRTH ANNOUNCED Born to Ralph, and Sara Grelno Benjamin of Rome, RD 1, a son, this morning at the Robert Packer hospital.

GARBAGE How TO RUIN DRESSES AND LOSE FRIENDS TT'S tragic how some girls lose their 2. Prevents under-arm odor. Helps friends and ruin their dresses be- stop perspiration safely. cause of perspiration odor and stains. 3.

A pure, white, antiseptic, stainAnd there's no excuse for it. It's easy less vanishing cream. to save dresses, it's easy to save friends. 4. No waiting to dry.

Can be used Use Arrid, the new cream deodor- tight after shaving. ant that helps keep your armpits dry 5. Awarded Approval Seal of Amerand removes the odor from perspira- ican Institute of Laundering cion. Arrid is safe and dependable for harmless to fabric. Use Arrid these five reasons: regularly.

Arrid is the largest selling deodorant. 1. Arrid does not irritate skin. Does Sold at all stores selling toilet goods not rot dresses or men's shirts. 39c and 59c a jar.

(Plus Tax) COAL Mother always buys our School Shoes at Triangle's $2.99 $2.29 Trust Mother, the family "purchasing agent," to make a wise $2.99 choice. She knows what to look for in shoes for youngsters. has taught her and thousands of other mothers that: You can't beat $2.69 $3.06 Triangle Shoes $3.17 -for Good Looks! -for Extra Value! -for months of Sizes 10 to 3 Extra Wear! $2.69 $2.99 Triangle Shoes Lowest Prices for QUALITY SHOES in the U.S.A. DIFITTED CAREFULLY! SAYRE, PA..

The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

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Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.