Jinx's 15 Best Quotes in Arcane (2024)

Table of Contents
15 "I Ruined Everything. I Always Do." Season 1, Episode 1, "Welcome to the Playground" 14 "Please, Violet. I Need You. Please." Season 1, Episode 3, "The Base Violence Necessary for Change" 13 "That Ogre Couldn't Clean a Dust Bunny With a Blowtorch." Season 1, Episode 4, "Happy Progress Day!" 12 "Happy Progress Day!" Season 1, Episode 4, "Happy Progress Day!" 11 "...Blah, Blah, Blah. Did I Miss Anything?" Season 1, Episode 5, "Everybody Wants To Be My Enemy" 10 "...And Guess What? They're Not All Dead." Season 1, Episode 7, "The Boy Savior" 9 "I Feel Like You and I Got Off on the Wrong Arm..." Season 1, Episode 6, "When These Walls Come Tumbling Down" 8 "I Didn't Lose Her! They Took Her..." Season 1, Episode 7, "The Boy Savior" 7 "...Sheesh, I'm Not That Crazy." Season 1, Episode 9, "The Monster You Created" 6 "...Sister, Thought I Missed Her. Bet You Wouldn't Miss Her." Season 1, Episode 6, "When These Walls Come Tumbling Down" 5 "...I'm Not Weak. And I'm Gonna Show Him. Oh, I'm Gonna Show Him. You'll See." Season 1, Episode 4, "Happy Progress Day!" 4 "I Thought, Maybe You Could Love Me Like You Used To, Even Though I'm Different..." Season 1, Episode 9, "The Monster You Created" 3 "...She Is Not My Sister Anymore." Season 1, Episode 3, "The Base Violence Necessary For Change" 2 "...You're the Reason I'm Still Alive." Season 1, Episode 9, "The Monster You Created" 1 "...Saying You Abandoned Me When He Knew the Truth. Liar." Season 1, Episode 9, "The Monster You Created"

Jinx is one of the most popular champions in League of Legends, and her villain origin is fleshed out beautifully in Netflix's hit series Arcane. Both League of Legends players and newcomers to the series connect to Jinx and her sympathetic struggles throughout the video game-inspired series. Jinx might be a controversial character to love considering she makes some terrible decisions, but she's very much a victim of circ*mstance.

Originally called Powder, Jinx becomes a sympathetic antagonist after she accidentally kills her loved ones and is abandoned by her sister. Conflicted and traumatized over her past, Jinx is one of the most interesting characters in Arcane's universe and has a lot of great quotes throughout the series. She says what she wants and does what she wants.

Updated by Robbie Robinson on June 6th, 2024: Hype for Arcane's second season continues to grow and because of that, it's time for Jinx to get a little more love. Jinx is arguably the most monumental character in the entire series. Her actions dictate and haunt the entire plot. This list has been updated to get everything up to current CBR standards as well as to showcase a few more of Jinx' best lines.


Arcane Season 2 Gets First Poster Ahead of Netflix Return

A first poster for Arcane: League of Legends Season 2 has been unveiled.

15 "I Ruined Everything. I Always Do."

Season 1, Episode 1, "Welcome to the Playground"

Jinx's 15 Best Quotes in Arcane (2)

What's the point? I ruined everything. I always do.

After the series of unfortunate events that happened in Piltover, Powder is a bit down on herself. Milo made sure at every chance that Powder knew how badly she messed up during the heist. As Powder tinkers quietly to herself, Vi wants to try to get Powder to pick her head up.

It's a shame that Powder's mishaps really are the reason that all major events in Arcane transpire. This quote is sad to watch on a first watch-through, but is even more bleak if it's not the first time a viewer has watched the show. It's certainly foreshadowing Vander's death and the birth of Jinx that takes place later in the series.

14 "Please, Violet. I Need You. Please."

Season 1, Episode 3, "The Base Violence Necessary for Change"

Jinx's 15 Best Quotes in Arcane (3)

Vi! Vi, come back! Please come back! Please, Violet. I need you. Please.

With Arcane's short 9 episode season, it's important to make every moment of every episode count. Episode 3 is an absolute mess of emotions. Claggor, Milo and Vi are mostly successful in freeing Vander from Silco. However, it's Powder's monkey bomb that really makes everything go to hell. This show has some of the most incredible visuals that add to every monumental event.

This scene, when Powder cries out for Vi, is extremely hard to watch. The level of emotion in Powder's voice and on her face is heartbreaking. She's so desperate for Vi to tell her that everything is going to be okay. At the end of the day, Powder never meant to kill anyone. Yes, she should've listened to Vi, but she's hurting just as much as Vi is in this scene. Plus, Powder is watching the last person she has leave her.

13 "That Ogre Couldn't Clean a Dust Bunny With a Blowtorch."

Season 1, Episode 4, "Happy Progress Day!"

Jinx's 15 Best Quotes in Arcane (4)

"Sevika? That ogre couldn't clean a dust bunny with a blowtorch."

Following the messy fight with the Firelights, Jinx is commiserating to Silco. During the scuffle, Jinx knocked off the mask of one of the Firelights. It was a pink-haired girl that triggered Jinx to have a series of Vi inspired flashbacks. Jinx, who had been suffering from the effects of PTSD, ended up fumbling the mission.

Silco says to Jinx that he'll have Sevika clean up the mess, which is when Jinx calls her an ogre. It's certainly humorous to see Jinx rag on Sevika. It seems like all season long Sevika gets the short-end of the stick. Regardless, Jinx isn't very happy with Silco asking her to take some time for herself and to leave it to Sevika.

12 "Happy Progress Day!"

Season 1, Episode 4, "Happy Progress Day!"

Happy Progress Day!


Arcane's Jinx Is Ready for the Arena in Perfect League of Legends Cosplay

Jinx, the iconic gunslinger from League of Legends and its spinoff animated series Arcane, is brought to life in a manic and intimidating cosplay.

Everyone can appreciate a well-placed title drop in a TV show, and this was a perfect one. Earlier in the episode, Jinx is struggling with how she handled the Fireflight fight as well as fear of Silco thinking that she's weak. Well, in the appropriate fashion, Jinx goes out and does something about it.

Initially, Silco rips into Jinx for the massacre and scene that she caused in Piltover. However, Jinx shuts him up by shoving a Hextech crystal into his hand. This scene and quote in particular are great because Jinx is finally showing the confidence she's been lacking. She's tired of coming across as weak. She's going to do what she wants to do.

11 "...Blah, Blah, Blah. Did I Miss Anything?"

Season 1, Episode 5, "Everybody Wants To Be My Enemy"

Jinx's 15 Best Quotes in Arcane (6)

Right, [Vander] was like a brother to you, and he turned his back and blah, blah, blah. Did I miss anything?

There's a million deep and hard-hitting quotes in Arcane. It's nice to chuckle at the more comical ones here and there. Silco takes Jinx to the water for a kind of "baptism" and before, he hints at going into a long monologue about his past. Jinx's response to him, this quote, is pretty hilarious. Silco is one of the greatest villains out there, so it's funny to see Jinx so comfortable with him.

Most, if not all, people can relate to getting a long-winded lecture talk from a mentor/parental figure. No one wants to hear a giant backstory before the actual meat of the conversation begins. Not to mention, it's usually a story that's been heard a couple of times. It's sad, however, watching Jinx' love for Vander turn to love for Silco. Vander was a great father to Jinx and Vi and it would hurt him to see the path Jinx chooses.

10 "...And Guess What? They're Not All Dead."

Season 1, Episode 7, "The Boy Savior"

Jinx's 15 Best Quotes in Arcane (7)

Oh, you know. Here, there, chasing down dead ends. And guess what? They're not all dead.


Song of Nunu: A League of Legends Story Gets A New Sneak Peek Trailer

Riot Forge finally revealed a trailer for the upcoming League of Legends spinoff game Song of Nunu, starring a fan-favorite champion from the game.

After Silco learned that Vi was alive, he hoped that Jinx would never find out, wanting to protect her. However, she found out anyway, and after temporarily seeing Vi again, she confronted the man who looked after her for years. This Jinx quote is especially impactful because, ever since the night Jinx declared Vi was no longer her sister, Jinx truly believed her to be dead.

After Jinx said these words, Silco explained to her that Vi cared more about finding the crystal and that she would probably abandon and betray her again. Silco convinces Jinx that instead of focusing on being with her, Jinx needs to help him complete the weapon instead.

9 "I Feel Like You and I Got Off on the Wrong Arm..."

Season 1, Episode 6, "When These Walls Come Tumbling Down"

I feel like you and I got off on the wrong arm. Maybe we should try the other.

After hearing that Silco wanted to capture two women who fought Sevika, Jinx set up a trap in order to get more information from her. She knocked her out, tied her up, and threatened Sevika with these words. Arcane isn't shy of characters that can make great villains, and it's always very interesting to see the villains interact with one another.

When Sevika comes to, Jinx taunts her, referencing the third episode where Jinx's explosion results in Sevika losing her arm. Jinx suggests they got off on the wrong arm and asks if they should try the other while slowly dragging a knife across Sevika's chest. Jinx slowly loses the edge in this conversation, but her dark sense of humor is charming, especially in this Jinx quote.

8 "I Didn't Lose Her! They Took Her..."

Season 1, Episode 7, "The Boy Savior"

Jinx's 15 Best Quotes in Arcane (9)

I didn't lose her! They took her. She was there for me, not the enforcer. Why would I remember her name? Well, she's just some stupid topsider! ...Caitlyn.

When Vi and Jinx reunited at the end of the sixth episode, they were only able to see each other temporarily. During this time, Jinx was conflicted on the situation as she wanted to see Vi again but was upset that Vi had joined forces with Caitlyn, an enforcer, in order to do so.

After Vi and Caitlyn were taken by the Firelights, Jinx said these words to herself as she imagined Mylo speaking to her. Vi and Caitlyn being taken only reinforces what Silco had said, and Jinx starts to blame Caitlyn for the rift between her and her sister, displayed perfectly in this Jinx quote.

7 "...Sheesh, I'm Not That Crazy."

Season 1, Episode 9, "The Monster You Created"

I made her a snack! ...Sheesh, I'm not that crazy.

In the last episode, Jinx had captured Vi and Caitlyn. At first, she only spoke to Vi, but after a while, Jinx brought out a dome plate cover, explaining that she had visited Caitlyn. Scared that Caitlyn was dead and underneath the cover, Vi asked her sister what she did, resulting in this iconic Jinx quote.

For suspense, Jinx waited a moment before revealing that it was actually just the crystal in it. Jinx had a lot of funny moments throughout Arcane, and this was one of the best. The scene is genuinely suspenseful, playing into the idea that Jinx really could have killed Caitlyn before subverting expectations in a hilarious way.

6 "...Sister, Thought I Missed Her. Bet You Wouldn't Miss Her."

Season 1, Episode 6, "When These Walls Come Tumbling Down"

Jinx's 15 Best Quotes in Arcane (10)

You're a class act, sister. Sister, thought I missed her. Bet you wouldn't miss her.


Animation has been steadily growing over the years, and there is plenty of exciting serialized animated fantasy and sci-fi TV shows to stream.

When Jinx and Vi meet each other after not seeing one another for years, Jinx is happy at first due to thinking that she will finally be with her sister. However, upon seeing Caitlyn, Jinx feels betrayed all over again. Jinx sees that Vi is no longer the same big sister she had been missing for years.

Despite Vi trying to calm her down and letting her know that she regrets her past decisions, Jinx thinks that she is lying, which leads to this heartbreaking Jinx quote. Afterward, the Firelights attacked, separating the sisters once more and mistakenly reinforcing Jinx's belief that Vi hadn't really come back to be with her.

5 "...I'm Not Weak. And I'm Gonna Show Him. Oh, I'm Gonna Show Him. You'll See."

Season 1, Episode 4, "Happy Progress Day!"

Jinx's 15 Best Quotes in Arcane (12)

It wasn't her. It wasn't. I know, just some wannabe street trash. I got confused, that's all. Now, he thinks I'm weak. 'Sevika will clean it up. Sevika's a regular Johhny-on-the-spot.' I'm not weak. And I'm gonna show him. Oh, I'm gonna show him. You'll see.

After Jinx had thought that a Firelight she fought was Vi, she lost control of herself, resulting in her failing her mission. Silco asked her about what happened, and though he understood her pain, she felt like he had lost confidence in her, especially when he told her that Sevika would clean things up.

When she was by herself, this Jinx quote was uttered as she imagined that her former comrades were with her. At the end of her monologue, she decided that she would prove to Silco that she was strong. This quote gave fans a better insight into Jinx's character, making them understand her more.

4 "I Thought, Maybe You Could Love Me Like You Used To, Even Though I'm Different..."

Season 1, Episode 9, "The Monster You Created"

Jinx's 15 Best Quotes in Arcane (13)

I thought, maybe you could love me like you used to, even though I'm... different. But you changed, too. So, here's to the new us.

In Arcane's final episode, Vi and Jinx have one final confrontation where they explain their points of view to each other. Jinx explains that all she wanted was to be loved by Vi again, as she was, even if the Jinx standing before her is a much different person than the Powder she used to know.

Not only had Jinx changed, but Vi had changed as well over all the years they'd been apart. After Silco's death, Jinx accepts that both of them are different people and that they can't go back. Jinx says an ironic toast to the new Jinx and Vi before launching a rocket straight toward the Council.

3 "...She Is Not My Sister Anymore."

Season 1, Episode 3, "The Base Violence Necessary For Change"

Jinx's 15 Best Quotes in Arcane (14)

She left me... She is not my sister anymore.


Arcane Season 2 Sees THIS Character Return From the Dead

Actor Jason Spisak confirms Silco will return in the highly anticipated Season 2 of the critically acclaimed animated series, Arcane.

At the beginning of Arcane, Powder loves Vi more than anyone and looks up to her. Wanting to help her rescue Vander from Silco, Powder accidentally kills Vander and their friends, resulting in Vi turning her back on Powder. Arcane brings the video game adaption of a lifetime, allowing fans of the game to see character backstories fully fleshed out.

In her darkest hour, Silco found Powder and comforted her, understanding how it felt to be betrayed and abandoned by a loved one. As he hugged her, this quote marks the transformation from the innocent Powder into the heavily burdened Jinx. It's the beginning of it all and an incredibly powerful way to end an episode.

2 "...You're the Reason I'm Still Alive."

Season 1, Episode 9, "The Monster You Created"

Jinx's 15 Best Quotes in Arcane (16)

You never left. I always heard you. Shadows in the streets, prickles on the back of my neck. Your voice, pushing me, picking me up when all the colors were black. You're the reason I'm still alive.

After Jinx knocked Vi out and captured her, she told her that despite Silco thinking that she was the one who turned her into Jinx, it was actually her. Vi apologized for leaving afterward, causing Jinx to reveal that she was always haunted with these words and that it felt like they were never actually apart.

Vi then told her that the only thing that she had left was the hope that they would reunite one day, and when asked, she told Jinx that they'd always be sisters. To Vi, Jinx was always Powder. It's heartbreaking that Jinx's memory was pushing Vi forward and giving her strength, while this Jinx quote reveals Vi's memory was doing the opposite for her.

1 "...Saying You Abandoned Me When He Knew the Truth. Liar."

Season 1, Episode 9, "The Monster You Created"

Jinx's 15 Best Quotes in Arcane (17)

He took everything from us, right here. He stabbed Vander in the back, just like he planned to do with me. All the time, saying you abandoned me when he knew the truth. Liar.

Jinx had not only captured Vi and Caitlyn in the last episode but Silco as well. When Vi finds out about this, Jinx says these words, revealing that she feels some resentment toward Silco. However, after learning that he was willing to let go of his dreams in order to stay by her side, she became conflicted one last time about who she wanted to be close to.

Vi reminded her of their loved ones who had passed away, causing her to lose control of herself, and accidentally kill Silco. In his final moment, Silco told Jinx that he loved her and that she was perfect, which she always wanted to hear. Even though Silco is the big bad evil guy, this scene is still gut wrenching. It's moments like this that prove how Arcane is one of the top fantasy animated series to watch.

Jinx's 15 Best Quotes in Arcane (18)




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Jinx's 15 Best Quotes in Arcane (2024)
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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

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