Wuthering Waves: Calcharo build and materials guide (2025)

Earn your pay with the best Wuthering Waves Calcharo guide and master your control of this mighty mercenary in battle. A 5-Star Electro damage dealer, Calcharo is a character that can dish out copious amounts of destruction thanks to his elaborate combos.

Table of Contents

  1. Best Calcharo weapons – Wuthering Waves
  2. Best Calcharo Echoes – Wuthering Waves
  3. Best Calcharo teams – Wuthering Waves
  4. Calcharo ascension materials – Wuthering Waves

Calcharo’s Resonance Skill, Extermination Order, allows him to perform extra attacks without interrupting his current Basic Attack combo, and can be triggered several times in a row.

His Resonance Liberation, Phantom Etching, allows him to enter the Deathblade Gear state, giving him an enhanced Basic Attack as well as stronger Dodge Counter and Intro Skill for the next time he’s swapped into the field.

His Forte allows Calcharo to amass up to three stacks of Cruelty, which he can consume to restore Resonance Energy and Concerto Energy upon using a Heavy Attack. It’s noteworthy that Calcharo can’t acquire Cruelty while he’s in the Deathblade Gear state – instead, he can gather up to five stacks of Killing Intent, which transforms his Basic Attack into a special Heavy Attack.

Importantly, the enhanced attacks he gains from Deathblade Gear state are counted as dealing Resonance Liberation Damage.

Both his Intro and Outro Skills revolve around dealing Electro Damage, while his two Inherent Skills boost his Resonance Liberation Damage and reduce the amount of damage he takes.

Calcharo’s Resonance Chain, which you can fill by acquiring duplicates, bolster his potential. Sequence Node 1 (S1) boosts his Resonance Energy regeneration, S2 increases Resonance Skill Damage. S3 provides an Electro Damage buff during the Deathblade Gear state, while S4 contributes such a buff to the entire team after Calcharo uses his Outro Skill, making him great in Electro-focused teams especially. S5 is a flat buff on his Intro Skills’ damage, whereas S6 supercharges his Resonance Liberation, summoning phantoms that make Coordinated Attacks.

Calcharo revolves around the same mechanics as Jiyan does, so it comes as no surprise that Verdant Summit, the latter’s signature broadblade, serves the mercenary quite well. Providing additional Attribute Damage as well as increased Heavy Attack Damage after using Intro Skill or Resonance Liberation, the weapon perfectly complements Calcharo’s kit.

Best Calcharo weapons in Wuthering Waves:

  • Verdant Summit (5-Star)
  • Lustrous Razor (5-Star)
  • Autumntrace (4-Star)
  • Helios Cleaver (4-Star)
  • Guardian Broadblade (3-Star)
Wuthering Waves: Calcharo build and materials guide (1)

Best Calcharo Echoes – Wuthering Waves

The Void Thunder Sonata Effect is currently the optimal one for Calcharo, providing a substantial boost to his Electro Damage in synergy with Heavy Attacks and the Resonance Skill. As his Main Echo, you should consider using Flautist – it fires ten beams dealing Electro Damage, restoring Concerto Energy for each hit. This will help you set up rotations to make use of Calcharo’s Intro and Outro Skills. Alternatively, Thundering Mephis provides a little more direct damage as well as some strong offensive buffs, if you prefer a playstyle that relies less on swapping characters.

Calcharo has a lot of Energy Regeneration built into his kit, so you can focus your main stats on the offensive attributes any damage dealer desires.

Best Calcharo Echoes in Wuthering Waves:

  • Sonata Effect: Void Thunder (5-Set)
  • Main Echo: Flautist or Thundering Mephis

Best Echoes main stats for Calcharo in Wuthering Waves:

  • 4 Cost: Critical Rate or Critical Damage
  • 3 Cost: Electro Damage
  • 3 Cost: Electro Damage
  • 1 Cost: Attack %
  • 1 Cost: Attack %

Best Echoes sub stats for Calcharo in Wuthering Waves:

  • Energy Regeneration, Critical Rate, Critical Damage, Attack %, Liberation Damage
Wuthering Waves: Calcharo build and materials guide (2)

Calcharo requires a lot of time on the field, since the bulk of his damage comes from enhanced Basic and Heavy Attack combos – in return for stealing the spotlight, he delivers excellent results as a Main DPS.

  • Calcharo (Main DPS), Jianxin (Hybrid), Verina (Support)

This composition revolves around boosting Calcharo’s damage output as much as possible. As much of the damage dealt by his enhanced attacks is converted to Liberation Damage, Jianxin is perfect as his companion thanks to her ability to boost Liberation Damage. In addition, her crowd control capabilities help prepare the field for Calcharo, grouping enemies up for his convenience. Verina is the strongest healer and support in the game at launch, providing a variety of excellent boons to the team at a low field time.

If you’re looking for a more budget version of this set-up, then Yangyang and Baizhi are the solid substitutes for Jianxin and Verina you need.

Wuthering Waves: Calcharo build and materials guide (3)

Calcharo ascension materials – Wuthering Waves

Once Calcharo has joined your team, you’ll want to level him up as quickly as possible, for which you’ll require the following materials:

  • Crude Ring x4
  • Basic Ring x12
  • Improved Ring x12
  • Tailored Ring x4
  • Thundering Tacet Core x46
  • Iris x60
  • Shell Credits x170,000

Rings are a common material dropped by the human outlaws roaming the map. Thundering Tacet Core can only be obtained from challenging Thundering Mephis at the Withering Frontline north of Jinzhou. Iris grows around the Fallen Grave in the southern area of the map. Check out the Iris locations guide to learn how to access the best growing spots. The best source of Shell Credits is the Simulation Challenge you can tackle at the Training Ground in Jinzhou.

In addition to leveling Calcharo up, you’ll need to upgrade all of his skills. For this, you’ll need the following materials:

  • Crude Ring x25
  • Basic Ring x28
  • Improved Ring x40
  • Tailored Ring x57
  • Waveworn Residue 210 x25
  • Waveworn Residue 226 x28
  • Waveworn Residue 235 x55
  • Waveworn Residue 239 x67
  • Monument Bell x26
  • Shell Credits x20,300,000

For the materials already mentioned, check above. Waveworn Residue can be farmed in the Forgery Challenge: Eroded, which is accessible from the Guidebook, or purchased from Uncle Wei in Jinzhou in limited quantities. Monument Bells are dropped by the Bell-Borne Geochelone found in the Tolling Stream in the Gorges of Spirit west of Jinzhou.

Wuthering Waves: Calcharo build and materials guide (2025)
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